Welcome to The Love Button


Wouldn't it be nice if there were such a button?

Why is this ebook free?

This is a book for women written by a man.  I meet a lot of women who are in a long term relationship but have given up on their dream of being special to the man they love.  Some have read many books about relationships and tried all the techniques to make him understand this deep seated desire.  You may have tried communicating the emptiness you sometimes feel inside but he just doesn't get it. 

I worked hundreds if not thousands of hours on this book.  So why is it free?  My reward is helping women realize the power they have to "change" him by understanding how to communicate their appreciation.  It was fun writing The Love Button and it fun sharing it with you.  

Do You Understand Men?

  Do you understand men?  If you do, then you are living your dream relationship.  If you are not,  then you either need to add to your knowledge about men or you are with the wrong man.  There is a very high probability (but, of course, not a certainty) that you are not with the wrong man.   You are going to experience some life changing knowledge in The Love Button that you most likely have never read or heard anywhere else.  

I need a favor

As I said above, I am a man and in no way pretend to know everything there is to know about the nature of the mysterious female, so  I would appreciate your feed back.  It's important to me to get a female prospective so I can share it with others and also improve the content of The Love Button.  I welcome wonderful heart warming stories as well as honest criticism and recommendations.  

Please email your comments to jonathan@thelovebutton.net.    Some of the stories and comments may be posted to this web site for the benefit of others. No names will be used.  Please include your age.  It will be helpful in my research to see how different age groups respond to the concepts in The Love Button.     

 If you would like to receive a notification (one per week maximum) when changes or updates are made or would like to receive an occasional email suggesting a book or web site you might enjoy reading or visiting, just send me an email asking to be put on our "Mailing List."  I will also inform you if a Love Button Blog is started.  Otherwise, you will never receive an email from me and your address will not be shared with anyone.  

You will not need to furnish your email address to download and read The Love Button.  As I said earlier, my goal with this information is not financial.  I'm simply paying it forward.  Enjoy!